Drive-by shooting leaves two teens and a young adult man wounded Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

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Two of the injured parties are in critical condition

Loop News

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Three men ages 21, 18 and 18 were shot and injured after a drive-by shooting at Pioneer Road, Bush Hall, St Michael last night, October 24, 2022.

Their injuries are said to be critical – two received injuries to their abdomen and one to his back.

District A personnel responded to the shooting which was reported via telephone to the Police Operations Control Room around 11pm.

According to the police report, all three men were liming at a house in the area when a vehicle slowly drove by turned around in a gap in the area and shots were fired as it drove by the said house a second time.

The house and a parked car were also damaged in the incident.

The injured men were transported for medical attention by private car.

Investigations are ongoing.

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