Asot Michael responds to Cabinet on increased voter registration in St. Peter

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Antigua News Room

The cornerstone of every democracy is the independence of the process used to select a government. Governments must not and must not be seen to interfere with that process.

The announcement by the Cabinet that it will launch an investigation into voter registration in the Constituency of St Peter’s is an indictment on the independence of that cornerstone of our Democracy. It attacks the integrity of the Electoral Commission and its officers, as well as the Supervisor of Elections. It seeks in part, if not in whole, to usurp their functions that are enshrined in our laws.

What it suggests is an unconstitutional strategy to manipulate the results of the next general election in the constituency of St. Peter. It appears as yet, an attack on the right to vote designed to undermine the candidacy of the sitting Representative through selective suppression of voter registration.

It is no function of the Cabinet to investigate voter registration. That is the sole purview of the Electoral Commission. If any candidate or resident wishes to challenge the registration of any person within a Constituency, express provisions are laid out in the Representation of Peoples Act. This is the process of “Claims and Objections” and is well established and known to all.

All would be aware that the success of the National Housing programs has brought significant growth to the population of the St. Peter’s Constituency.

Government would better and rightfully employ its resources in providing acceptable roads, equipped clinics and schools in that consistency, rather than meddling in the electoral process.

It’s determination to undermine the candidacy of Asot Michael is not only unlawful but morally reprehensible.

We call upon the Attorney General to rise to the occasion and prevent this     unlawful “launch [of] an investigation” using the resources of the State for personal political gain.

The Hon Asot Michael will continue to encourage/mobilize citizens to get registered and thereby prepare themselves to participate in free and fair elections. The matter of validity of registration and/or transfer of registration is strictly a matter for the Electoral Commission, the Supervisor of Elections and the various election officers engaged by law to conduct the voter registration function. The MP for the St Peters constituency remains confident that the election officials will fulfill their functions according to law notwithstanding the intimidatory tactics emanating from the Cabinet.

The Honorable Asot Michael further notes that contrary to subsisting Court Orders, that the certain Members of the ABLP have removed his access to Scrutineers in his constituency.  Scrutineers are election officers with specific responsibilities in the voter registration process to ensure validity of the address qualification of persons applying to be registered. They report to the Party not the Government.

It is a character of this Country’s current Leadership that it continues to flaunt and disregard the Laws of our Land. Our Constitution and our election law ensure that the Electoral Commission shall, in the exercise of its functions, act impartially and independently of any political or governmental influence and shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority.

This proposed Cabinet investigation into voter registration is yet another example of this sinister behavior that if left unchecked threatens to erode into a culture of lawlessness.

The citizens of Antigua and Barbuda should stand resolutely against this abuse of power and this shameful conduct of the Cabinet.


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