Mannerly accused facing 7 charges asks ‘I murdered or I get accused?’ Loop Barbados

Black Immigrant Daily News

The content originally appeared on: Barbados News

Despite facing five serious criminal offences and two counts of theft, accused Henry Lewis was so mannerly in his interaction with the Chief Magistrate that it left an impression on the judicial official.

After today, September 14, reading the charges and remanding the accused to HMP Dodds to reappear on Wednesday, October 12, 2022, Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes told Courtroom 5 at the Supreme Court, “I wish some of the other accused that would come, would learn [manners] from him”.

When 25-year-old Lewis was given his remand date, Chief Magistrate Weekes said, “Because you got the firearm matters, there is nothing I can do for you. Alright?” and Lewis replied, “Very well sir! Enjoy the rest of your day right. Hear sir?”

Besides the indictable offences, Lewis pleaded not guilty to the two counts of Theft. The two counts of theft occurred on August 12 and August 13, 2022, and the total value of the items and money is BBD $1,360.

Lewis told the Chief Magistrate that he understood the other charges brought against him, but there was some confusion when the murder charge was read initially. Chief Magistrate Weekes read the third charge “that on August 30, 2022, you murdered Rommel Trotman….” Loudly and speedily, Lewis interrupted the court and asked whilst pointing to his chest, “I murdered or I get accused?”

Taking a minute to clarify for the accused, who remains innocent until proven guilty in the court of law, Chief Magistrate Weekes reread the theft charges and showed Lewis that in the language of the court the charges are read in that way, whereby he states that “the police say you stole…” and as such the murder charge reads, “they say that you murdered…” Calmer now, Lewis responded, “Okay, I now understand.”

Chief Magistrate stressed to the mannerly accused, “I am not saying that you did anything”.

Moving on to the fourth charge of two counts of endangering the life of Raheim Forde by way of reckless conduct on September 4, 2022, Chief Magistrate Weekes read the charge and asked, “You understand that one?” To which Lewis said, “Correct is right sir.”

Chief Magistrate Weekes even paused and asked Lewis if he was ever in the Barbados Defence Force because of his mannerly responses besides the slight misunderstanding earlier.

In regards to the other three firearm charges where within District ‘A’ he is accused of acting in contravention of the Firearms Act, Lewis is charged that on September 4, he did use a firearm and he is not the owner of a licence; he is charged with that on September 6 he did have in his possession a firearm and he does not possess a licence; and also on September 6, that he had three rounds of ammunition on his person without a permit; Lewis was not able to enter a plea for these offences.

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